Pharmaceutical manager writes letter to Santa

posted by Phill Allen

December, 22nd, 2014

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News

Dear Santa,
Has it really been a year since we last spoke? I hope you and Mrs Santa are well. As you know, I’m a manager in the pharmaceutical sector. Last year you very kindly brought me a dog and a fleet of steel bioprocess containers.
Woolfy is fantastic, but the steel containers have proved problematic. They take up too much space in the warehouse and our operators are struggling to manually move and clean them.
In the spirit of Christmas – and on account of the fact that I’ve been very very good for the past 12 months – please could you upgrade me to plastic bioprocess containers this year? You know the type. Those bioprocess containers which stack, collapse are lightweight and easy to clean.
Mince pies and glass of sherry await your arrival!
Thanks Santa, you’re the best.



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Phill Allen

Managing Director

Phill is an innovative thinker particularly in fluid management. His expertise lies in ensuring the seamless flow of pharmaceutical liquid logistics, whether it's optimising current processes or pioneering new approaches.

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