Fifty Shades of ALLpaQ Grey: Chapter 2

posted by Phill Allen

June, 18th, 2015

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News

50 Shades of ALLpaQ Grey: Chapter 2
“I’m flying to the ACHEMA 2015 Process Industries event in Frankfurt to chew the journalistic gum with biopharmaceutical leaders – should be a good pill to pop,” I say, responding to the overly curious plane passenger perched to my right.
I always end up sitting next to the travelling socialite. “What’s your reason for the trip?” I posit in return, my need for courtesy overwhelming that of disinterest.
As the rambler went into full ramble mode, my mind slipped back to the illicit encounter with Mr Grey at the ALLpaQ bioprocess container warehouse.
Five weeks and 35 moons had since passed. I’d heard not a peep. Yet I couldn’t shake the image of the Bioprocess Container from my mind. No one has ever affected me the way Mr Grey has and I cannot fathom why.
The bioprocess container is etched deep within the cerebral abyss, memories of its smooth sidewalls still sending shivers down my spine.
I’m intrigued. I’m glued. I’m unstuck. Who was Mr Grey? Why was he so commanding? Why did he have other bioprocess containers stacked on top of him?
And, perhaps most curiously, why did one man have such a big office? In front of floor-to-ceiling windows resided a huge laboratory desk that six people could comfortably work around. Everything was white except on the wall by the door which was adorned with a colourful mosaic of bioprocess units being shipped by air, sea and land.
All the different possibilities swirled around my head like bubbles in a dishevelled can of Coke. I wanted Mr Grey to shake me up and take a sip.
“…. and then I escaped from a Siberian prison. So what do you think?” asks my fellow traveller. I have no response. Whilst the rambler had been climbing laborious mountains, my mind had retreated to Mr Grey’s imaginary Mile High club.
“Errrr….,” I hesitate, “well that sounds…..” … ding dong. Like a chivalrous knight on a galloping white horse, the seatbelt sign comes to my rescue.  
Clipping my belt into place, the plane – unlike my feet – prepares to touch down.  

ACHEMA 2015: a life changing event

It’s day two of ACHEMA 2015. I’m rushed off my feet, moving from stand to stand, shaking hands with biopharmaceutical delegates.
Leaving Hall 1, I head outside in the direction of the Agora Pavilion. It’s a white tent of notable size and one fit for a queen. “Could just do with a king now,” I mumbled to myself, clicking my heels together like Dorothy as I careen across the zig-zag block paving.
The heat of a summer turned to high does little to discourage my focus from the task at hand. I’m engaged in deep conversation with a delegate, eyes flicking up and down to the computer screen as I transcribe the answers to my questions. Then, for some reason, I glance up… and find myself locked in the bold gray gaze of Mr Grey.
He’s standing at the counter of the ALLpaQ stand, staring at me intently. Heart failure. Trapped in the tractor beam of his unwavering gaze, I move towards him, freewill succumbing like a magnet to a fridge.   
“Miss Steel, what a pleasant surprise,” he says.
My mouth tries desperately tries to connect with my brain.
“Mr Grey… what… what are you doing here?” I whisper, because that’s all I can manage.
“We are exhibiting,” he says, gray side walls shimmering under the tent spotlights with a dark excitement. “We are on hand to give delegates a firsthand taste of how the all-plastic bioprocess containment solution helps protect, store and transport valuable media.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Steel.” His presence has left me hotter than a baked potato in a heatwave, his warm voice causing me to melt like a Chocolate Sundae. Only it wasn’t Sunday. It was Funday.
He was more beautiful than I remember. His detachable sidewalls sat atop a wide base like icing on a cake. I wanted to take a bite. To all appearances, I’m playing it cooler than an iceberg in the Antarctic. Truth is I’m more excited than a kid on Christmas Eve. I want to open my present and I can’t wait till the morning.
“In that case Mr Grey,” I say, shaking myself back to composure, “now would be as good a time as any to pick up where we left off. Your stand says ‘yes, we can customise’, do you care to elaborate?”
Silence. Mr Grey takes control of the situation like a stoic hero on a runaway train. In doing so, he slowly surveys me from head to toe, the lederhosen I’d purchased from the airport quickly becoming a bad idea.  
“Take a seat,” he beckons. I silently acquiesce.
“Unlike your namesake Miss Steel, our bioprocess containers aren’t made from steel. They are, in fact, forged in a passion for plastic. This means we can customise the units to fit any and all bags.”
I look back, puzzled, but intrigued. “Why is this important Mr Grey,” I urge, glancing over the rims of my glasses.
Playing to the tune of dulcet tones, he explains: “Aside from screen printing a brand on the bioprocess containers and sequentially numbering them for traceability, if a company has a unit that only works with one bag and – as is often the case – their supplier can’t provide the bags on time, then production stops.
“Rather than investing in a second fleet of bins to accommodate the bag, we can customise the units ahead of time to ensure they are compatible with the bags from primary and secondary suppliers.”
“A snug fit ensures time and cost savings and continuity of business.”
He pauses and smiles as though he’s privy to some big secret. It is so disconcerting. Taking a deep breath, I maintain my professional facade.
“And the cable ties on the side,” I ask, flicking a finger in their direction, “what are they for?”
“Enough,” he commands. “No more business.”
He hands me a gold coloured keycard. On it are inscribed the words: ‘The Games Room’.
“I have a personal and customised suite in the hotel,” he says, confidence rolling off his tongue, encircling him in an aura of perfection.
“Oh really?” I chuckle nervously.
“Tonight. My suite. 8.00pm. Join me for supper.”
He’d taken my breath away faster than a forest fire. All I could do is nod in agreeance.
Chapter 3 of Fifty Shades of ALLpaQ Grey coming soon …..
Read Chapter 1 of Fifty Shades of ALLpaQ Grey

TAGS: 50 Shades of Grey, ACHEMA, Bioprocess Containers, fifty shades of allpaq grey,


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Phill Allen

Managing Director

An in and outside the (bioprocess) box thinker, fluid management specialist Phill knows a thing or two about keeping pharma liquid logistics flowing.

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