10 Science Jokes: because laughter is the best medicine (sort of)

posted by Phill Allen

October, 04th, 2019

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News

They say laughter is the best medicine. That’s why we’ve rounded up 10 of the best science jokes for you to share and have a laugh at.

Let’s prefix the laughter by acknowledging how pharmaceuticals is a tough and serious business. And, for those of you working in it, it is potentially stressful one. This statement has perhaps never rung truer in today’s brave new world when the scientific community works incredibly hard to produce valuable vaccines to get the world spinning back on its axis.

We all know that. We also know that, anecdotally at least, having a good laugh is a great way to relieve stress. So, laughter may not be the best medicine (if it were, we’d all be out of a job), but it has been proven to help healing in a range of disciplines from psychiatry to rheumatology and oncology.

Here at ALLpaQ, we prescribe a selection of Science Jokes. They’re to be taken regularly when feeling stressed, preferably with a nice hot drink and a biscuit!

So, let’s check out 10 of the best Science Jokes of all time and, as a disclaimer, any injuries caused by rolling on the cleanroom floor laughing are not our responsibility.

#1 Science Joke – taking the air

ALLpaQ 10 best Science Jokes #1

#2 Science Joke – raising a glass

ALLpaQ 10 best Science Jokes #2

#3 Science Joke – shaking things up

ALLpaQ 10 of the best Science Jokes #3

#4 Science Joke – only coconuts are shy

ALLpaQ 10 of the best Science Jokes #4

#5 Science Joke – mixing it up

ALLpaQ 10 of the best Science Jokes #10

#6 Science Joke – light entertainment

ALLpaQ 10 of the best Science Jokes #6

#7 Science Joke – a gem of a gag

ALLpaQ 10 best science jokes #7

#8 Science Joke – pun-ishing

ALLpaQ 10 of the best science jokes #8

#9 Science Joke – doesn’t add up

ALLpaQ 10 of the best science jokes #9

10 Science Joke – we’ve got your number

ALLpaQ 10 of the best Science Jokes #10

Laughter, it’s contagious

So, has that given your day the shot in the arm it needed? If not, if you’re immune to our charms and thinking we’ve missed out the really funny science jokes, please pop along to our Facebook page and share your gag with the world!

And, of course, if you’d like to talk to us about the serious business of providing you with our world-beating bioprocess totes – call +44 (0) 1472 800 373, or drop a (punch)line to email enquiries@allpaq.com

TAGS: ALLpaQ, best medicine, biopharmaceuticals, bioprocess totes, science jokes,


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Phill Allen

Managing Director

An in and outside the (bioprocess) box thinker, fluid management specialist Phill knows a thing or two about keeping pharma liquid logistics flowing.

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