Why innovation is key to the success of single-use

posted by Phill Allen

April, 27th, 2016

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News

Stainless steel has been a favoured containment material of choice for manufacturers of biopharmaceuticals. Things are changing. And they’re changing fast. Why? Industry demand for single-use.
Why innovation is key to the success of single-use
On-going advances in biomanufacturing technologies and practices are allowing biomanufacturers to confidently move operations to single-use set-ups and explore new possibilities.
With fewer utilities and less instrumentation, there are many cost advantages and efficiencies associated with single-use technology. For example, by reducing sterilisation and stringent cleaning processes that are necessary with stainless steel to avoid contamination and cross-contamination, the need for installation and support systems is reduced.
According to the latest industry study from BioPlan Associates, the leading source for scientific information and analysis for the biopharmaceutical and life sciences,
disposable applications account for four of the top five products cited by biomanufacturers asked to rank suppliers’ development options.
In fact, for the past two years, purification products have topped the list of most desired disposable innovations, with research demonstrating that more and more companies are citing single-use disposable technologies as the key to improvements in their downstream purification operations.

TAGS: Biomanufacturing, Single-use, single-use systems, steel,


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Phill Allen

Managing Director

An in and outside the (bioprocess) box thinker, fluid management specialist Phill knows a thing or two about keeping pharma liquid logistics flowing.

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