Meet Walter Canullo: ALLpaQ’s Charismatic New Sales Manager

posted by ALLpaQ Packaging

June, 08th, 2023

Careers Company News

ALLpaQ is proud to welcome Walter Canullo to the ALLteaM. He is our new Sales Manager, with a mission to boldly take our products into marketplaces no ALLpaQ bioprocess container has gone before. This reflects his wide world of experience and the important role he will take in extending ALLpaQ’s reach around the globe.

There are so many markets out there which have yet to learn the cost-saving, space-saving, customisable convenience of ALLpaQ’s ever-expanding range of 3D bag containers and 2D bag handling accessories.

Walter’s mission – which he has accepted – is to introduce a wide range of new businesses, in a wide range of new territories, to the benefits of having ALLpaQ in your supply chain.

And breaking into those new markets, it isn’t a Mission:Impossible. With Walter’s energy, experience and inspiration, it’ll be Mission:Inevitable.

We got Walter to introduce himself in his own words. We began by asking him about his background and what brought him to ALLpaQ. Over to you, Walter …

The Road to ALLpaQ

If I can visualise something in my mind, it becomes a reality. And I can see, in the future, ALLpaQ as a corporation, a big one! My role in making that happen will be to deliver stratospheric sales.

– Walter Canullo

Hello, my full name is Walter Canullo Arilla – but you can call me Walter!

So, what is my background? Okay, let’s keep it simple. My father is Italian and my mother is Spanish. When they were in their early twenties, they embarked on an adventure and eventually settled in the beautiful country of Venezuela, which is where I was born.

When people ask me where I’m from, it’s a bit complicated. My Italian and Spanish backgrounds have a strong influence, but being born in Venezuela adds another layer to it. If you mix Spanish and Italian heritage together, you get a beautiful blend.

In 2013, I decided to come to the UK to learn English and I chose Liverpool School of English. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, Liverpool has a strong accent. But I love the city. It’s amazing. I fell in love with the English, right here in Liverpool. The city captivated me. It’s different from what you expect. Yes, there’s the Beatles’ history and all the iconic stuff associated with them, but there’s also wonderful creativity everywhere. 

Okay, let’s talk about football. There was a Venezuelan footballer named Salomón Rondón who was a striker for Everton a couple of years ago. So, people assume I’ll support Everton. Well, I can’t explain it, but my heart belongs to Liverpool FC. I’m sure that’s a discussion that will continue on the workshop floor and in the offices at ALLpaQ.

What attracted me to ALLpaQ?

For me, certain things are non-negotiable, such as my core values. When I learned about ALLpaQ, it just clicked. I fell in love with the company’s structure and organisation.

– Walter Canullo

The person who first told me about ALLpaQ and the sales manager opportunity described the company with such passion that it intrigued me. They said ALLpaQ is first and foremost about people and values rather than products. I decided to learn more.


When I met Phill Allen, his style and manner, even his way of speaking were unique and refreshing. ALLpaQ just felt right. I discussed it with my family and, when my girlfriend asked for the pros of moving to ALLpaQ, I simply said, “It feels right”.

For me, certain things are non-negotiable, such as my core values and parameters for happiness and success in life. When I learned about ALLpaQ, it just clicked. I fell in love with the company’s structure and organisation and ethos.

I believe I made a good choice, and I’m excited about the future.

What will I bring to ALLpaQ?

I can see the potential. I’m hungry for achieving results and believe ALLpaQ will have a great future. The energy is palpable, and I’m excited to be a part of it.

– Walter Canullo

My grandpa once told me, “Walter, If you learn how to sell, you will never be out of a job.” If I could start all over again, I wouldn’t choose a Business course at university. I would choose Psychology, because I am fascinated in the psychological part of the selling process. That led me to the desire to manage people. I studied, developed myself and I got opportunities to start managing small teams. It happened very organically and naturally.

If I can visualise something in my mind, it becomes a reality. And I can see, in the future, ALLpaQ as a corporation, a big one! My role in making that happen will be to deliver stratospheric sales.

Someone recently asked: “Walter, what will you do for ALLpaQ?” Simple: I will bring my passion. I’m goal-oriented, driven to succeed and I possess qualities that make me effective. I’m positive, good at selling, and I’m skilled at analysing data to identify and fix issues. I know how to motivate and incentivise people and that’s why I want to work with ALLpaQ.

I can see the potential. I’m hungry for achieving results and believe ALLpaQ will have a great future. The energy is palpable, and I’m excited to be a part of it.

I am a hunter! I understand the importance of the customer journey, the after-sales process and of helping customers increase their profitability. But, what I enjoy the most is hunting for new business.

So, my basic idea is to focus on new business and new products to drive the company to the top. It’s harder to find new customers than to retain existing ones, but it’s crucial for growth.

Bringing new customers on board is the only way to make the company grow. There are gaps on the map, territories in the world where we don’t have distributors or retailers yet, and I plan to develop those areas extensively.

Sales may have a reputation for being stressful, but I find joy in it.

ALLpaQ bioprocess containers fabricated under ISO9001 2015

The Psychology of Good Sales

Sales is my passion. Not many people can say they enjoy what they do for a living, but I genuinely do!

– Walter Canullo

I have a policy in my house where no matter how awful someone thinks their mistake is, they can always come to me. I want to be the person my son turns to when he’s in trouble, not someone he hides from. The same principle applies to my sales technique. When I connect with clients and talk about business, they know I’m serious and honest and I set realistic expectations. Managing expectations is crucial in all aspects of my life.

As you can possibly tell – sales is my passion. Not many people can say they enjoy what they do for a living, but I genuinely do. I love talking to clients and the psychology of the sale, I love analysing and understanding data and managing people. I have all the ingredients for success.

Numbers are important, of course, but sales, for me, is not just about prices and procedures. Sales is about bringing the customer to a level of comfort so that we can talk business.

The Importance of After-Sales

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are crucial. Everything revolves around the customer—lead time, satisfaction, journey and after-sales. Selling is all about trust. When you pitch your company, you promise something and set expectations. You must fulfil those promises and take care of customers after the sale.

Customer satisfaction and after-sales support are just as important as the initial pitch. If you don’t pay attention to this, you risk breaking promises and damaging the trust you’ve built.

Fortunately, I know that ALLpaQ is already brilliant at after-sales care.

Customer service should extend beyond the sale. It’s about looking after customers and ensuring their needs are met.

Another important asset we have is a sales team who understands what we are selling and, you know, not just the dimensions and attributes, but also the physicality of it. To understand the people involved in building and ordering our products, to have a holistic sense of the whole business.


Loving ALLpaQ’s Products

I decided that in the first 30 days, I didn’t just need to know the products – I needed to love the products!

– Walter Canullo

One of my goals for the first 30 days was to have product knowledge, but I changed my approach a bit when I worked on the shop floor manufacturing our containers and working with the plastic welding equipment. I saw the effort and attention to detail that the guys put into it.

So I decided that in the first 30 days, I didn’t just need to know the products – I needed to love the products! I need to feel passionate about them. When I pitch the product, I want to talk about it like someone talking about their girlfriend, saying she’s the most beautiful girl in the world!

At ALLpaQ, each department supports the others, like a body where all the parts need to work properly for it to function well. When all departments work together towards the same goal, we achieve success.

Getting in touch with Walter …

If you’d like to talk to Walter Canullo, our Sales Manager, about your business’ specific bioprocess needs – wherever you are in the world – we’ll be able to customise a fluid management solution just for you! So, get in touch with Walter on, ring 07944949627, contact him through his LinkedIn page, or simply fill out the form below.

TAGS: ALLpaQ, ALLteaM, phill allen, Sales, Walter Canullo,





ALLpaQ is the market leader in the design of innovative pharma containers and fluid management solutions.

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