Introducing ALLpaQ.World, our multi language bioprocess website

posted by ALLpaQ Packaging

August, 22nd, 2022

Company News

Hello, bonjour, hola, hallo, dzień dobry and مرحبًا to ALLpaQ’s new multi language website, ALLpaQ.World.

You can now learn all about ALLpaQ’s totes and accessories in a range of languages at ALLpaQ.World. These include our pioneering Bioprocess Shipping Containers and our revolutionary Cleanroom Bioprocess Containers; all now available in French, Spanish, German, Polish and Arabic.

We’re often told that English is the international language of business and, while it is the most widely used language on the internet, English still only accounts for 25% of online content.

This is why we decided to launch our multi language website, to reach out to our customers, worldwide, in their own languages. This process is only now beginning. We have big plans to include many more languages.

As Nelson Mandela said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”. Here, at ALLpaQ, we’re aiming for a place in our customers’ hearts!

At ALLpaQ, we pride ourselves on being pioneers, both in the revolutionary bioprocess products we design and fabricate, but also in taking a leading role in how to do good business.

That’s why it was important for us to make our valued customers around the world feel included and represented.

And, of course, our multi language website will help us spread the word about how great ALLpaQ is more easily in more territories.

“Here, at ALLpaQ, we’ve built our business on great communication. Our clients tell us the problems they have, we provide the solutions. Thanks to ALLpaQ.World, we’ll be able to communicate with so many more businesses around the world.”

– Phill Allen, ALLpaQ Founder and MD

The benefits of our multi language website

A multi language website is a great idea for any business that has interests around the world, because it allows for clearer communication in a wider range of market places.

Increasingly, companies work across borders with customers and suppliers around the world, so the benefits of being able to address business colleagues in their own language have never been greater.

We have built our reputation on our ability to customise our products and services, therefore, it felt right to create customised websites for our global network of clients and colleagues.

There are practical benefits to this, of course. For example, French-speaking customers who search online for ‘Récipients De Bioprocédés’ instead of ‘Bioprocess Containers’ will now be far more likely to find their way to us.

As our Global Sales Director, put it:

“I am absolutely thrilled to see the launch of ALLpaQ’s new multi language website. This further cements our position as a global leader in the supply of total packaging solutions for the bioprocess & life sciences industries.”

– Scott Graves, ALLpaQ Global Sales Director

Scott has built a larger ALLpaQ sales team, over recent months, placing business development managers in new regions including Scandinavia, the Baltics, Eastern Europe, the extended DACH region, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

As he explains:

“Our new multi language website will enable more and more customers to access our portfolio of bioprocess solutions and gain an understanding on how ALLpaQ can really provide both standard and bespoke products for any upstream and downstream business demands.”

– Scott Graves, ALLpaQ Global Sales Director

Aided by ALLpaQ.World, our sales & design team can attend sites around the world to collaborate and create solutions for our customers’ ever-changing business demands.

Learn more about ALLpaQ.World


ALLpaQ.World multi language website homepage in French


ALLpaQ.World multi language website homepage in Spanish


ALLpaQ.World multi language website homepage in German


ALLpaQ.World multi language website homepage in Polish


ALLpaQ.World multi language website homepage in Arabic

The challenge of designing for several languages

Our multi language website was a great opportunity to develop a project with our long-time marketing agency, CMA.

CMA built our English website, so the challenge was to make a version that worked just as well and looked just as good – in five more languages.

As CMA’s Creative Director explains:

“One of the design issues we had to deal with on every page was word length. German, for example, uses a lot of compound words, meaning its word-lengths can be much longer than English and needs more space. Also, you have to consider how those words and sentences break across headings and in paragraphs for maximum readability.”

– Stefan Georgiou, CMA Creative Director

Added to which, the designs also have to work for languages which are read right-to-left as well as left-to-right.

As Stefan put it: “Adding the RTL [right-to-left] copy on some elements could change the order of columns, destroying the layout. There was some trial and error with that before we made it work. It was a great challenge and learning experience for us, and we enjoyed working through it.”

CMA took great care over font choice, as some fonts designed in the UK and US don’t include the glyphs or special characters needed for different alphabets or writing systems.

Additionally, consideration was given to the choice of imagery and colour, as the cultural connotations of each can vary drastically, especially from East to West.

The most common variable being red: In The West, red may suggest excitement, danger or hunger (often combined with yellow – check out how many fast food logos use that colour combo). Whereas, across East Asia, red is more commonly associated with good luck and prosperity.

ALLpaQ the world’s a stage …

Hopefully our new multi language website will lead to good luck and prosperity for all the new bioprocess and life sciences customers we look forward to working with.

And, as with everything we do at ALLpaQ, the feedback from you, our valued customers, is of crucial importance.

So, if you’d like to see us expand ALLpaQ.World to include more languages, just fill in the form below and let us know.

TAGS: ALLpaQ World, Bioprocess Containers, company news, multi language,





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