Bioprocess containers: more than just a box

posted by Phill Allen

May, 18th, 2015

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News

Bioprocess containers. From the outside, you’d be forgiven for thinking of a bioprocess container as a mere box. Yet it is this very box – or bioprocess container – which transports valuable biopharmaceutical media along your supply chain.
Bioprocess containers: more than just a box
From workers in the laboratory to operators in the warehouse, by air, sea and land, the bioprocess container will see it all.
ALLpaQ all-plastic bioprocess containers are therefore designed to optimise each rung of your supply chain, generating greater sustainability both economically and environmentally.
How, you ask? By thinking outside the proverbial bioprocess box and fabricating a container which interacts beneficially with the real world.

The stackable bioprocess container

ALLpaQ bioprocess containers are designed to be stacked. Floor space saved in warehousing and shipping equals money saved.

The foldable bioprocess container

ALLpaQ containers can be folded to save space in return shipment. Plastic is also lighter than steel, generating a reduction in shipping charges.

The easy to handle bioprocess container

Unlike the weighty steel equivalent, ALLpaQ bioprocess containers are lightweight and collapsible. This makes manual handling so much easier, allowing you to align with the rigours of health and safety requirements.

The reusable and recyclable bioprocess container

ALLpaQ bioprocess containers enjoy an extended lifecycle – some things, as the saying goes, never get old. In the event of a sidewall damage, for instance, individual panels can be removed and replaced.
Ready to put the process in your bioprocess?
Find out more about how ALLpaQ all-plastic bioprocess containers can optimise your pharmaceutical storage and shipment supply chain.
Make contact

TAGS: Biopharmaceutical, Bioprocess Containers, Plastic Bioprocess Containers,


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Phill Allen

Managing Director

An in and outside the (bioprocess) box thinker, fluid management specialist Phill knows a thing or two about keeping pharma liquid logistics flowing.

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