10 Times Products Hilariously Knocked-Off Famous Brands 

posted by ALLpaQ Packaging

March, 20th, 2023

Company News Pharmaceutical Industry News Product News

Inspired (or uninspired) by poor knocked-off versions of ALLpaQ bioprocess containers, we take a look at the funnier side of people copying famous brands with hilarious knock-offs and underscore why it’s important to remember: you always get what you pay for.

Here at ALLpaQ Packaging Group, we have built our business on Innovation. We talk to clients about their problems and we develop innovative and audacious solutions to those problems. It’s our (bio)process and we talk all about it here. In this way, we are helping the world’s bioscience businesses to be more efficient and more cost-effective.

However, where we lead, imitators follow.

We’re troubled by the cheap knocked-off products we’ve seen in some workplaces; products that are poorly emulating the form and function of ALLpaQ’s pioneering, proprietary designs. As the originators of all-plastic bioprocess containment, we’re frustrated to see the important work of our industry being undermined by woeful secondary packaging solutions that invite loss of containment as well as threatening productivity, reputation and finances.

We’ve earned our position as the world’s premier supplier of plastic bioprocess containers – and that’s a position from which we won’t be knocked-off!

On the upside, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It inspired the ALLteaM to start emailing each other the funniest examples of people copying famous brands.

We’ve rounded up our favourites. Let’s take a look…

The Moaner Lisa


This ‘Disasterpiece’ is a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. Sure to have Leonardo da Vinci turning in his grave, “The Moaner Lisa” finds home in the Museum of Bad Art.

The Imitation Game(s)


PolyStation is the latest home-gaming console from Playstation… not. Imagine being a kid in 1994 on Christmas Day and waking up to this.

Once You Pop You Can Stop!


Prongles aren’t the original stackable snack with a savoury potato taste and perfect crunch. That would be Pringles, but who can tell the difference?

These Imitations are Pants!


Justin Bieber. Shawn Mendes. Marky Mark. They all wear Caiwen Kani. The perfect underwear for the perfect man.

A Super Special Knock-off


It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Specialman? Possibly the most disappointing superhero of all time.

This Fake Is Nuts


We’re not exactly going nuts for this one. Nut Master sounds more like a character from an x-rated movie than a crunchy hazelnut spread.

Just Do It – Or Don’t


Have you hugged your foot today? Just do it with Mike sneakers. Guaranteed to make you run ten times faster. Honest.

I’m (Not) Batman


Batman is possibly the coolest guy ever to wear latex. However, the criminal scourge of Gotham City might be less intimidated when the caped crusader roles up in this.

KFC Branches Out Into Fish n’ Chicken

this-kfc-knock-off-is-hardly-finger-looking good

Sardar’s Fish N’ Chicken riffs beautifully on the Kentucky Fried Chicken brand. Thing is, fish n’ chicken doesn’t exactly sound finger lickin’ good.

Return of the Knocked-Off


Next time you and your partner decide to partake in cosplay – or perhaps a little roleplay – make sure you go to a decent fancy dress shop.

Is Imitation The Sincerest Form of Flattery?

Steve Jobs famously said: “Good artists copy. Great artists steal”. He thought he was imitating Pablo Picasso, But he wasn’t, Picasso had actually knocked-off TS Eliot. Either way, by bringing the quote into a new era and a new context, he was improving it.

The point Jobs was making is that progress is based on a process of imitating and improving. Improving is the important bit! That’s how technology evolves. That’s how businesses grow.

If you are imitating something and making it worse… well, that’s just ‘passing off’.

Let’s be honest – some examples of passing off are so bare-faced, they’re hilarious. So, we thought we’d share a few cases – including that of ALLpaQ – where the imitators have done the bare minimum to disguise their ‘inspiration’. 

Where ALLpaQ Leads, Imitators Follow.

TAGS: ALLpaQ, innovation, Plastic Bioprocess Containers,


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